Frogs And Birds | Available Now!

- Frogs And Birds
- Faces Show Our Feelings
- You Are My Sunshine
- Feelings Like The Weather
- Little Bird On My Window
- Flexible And Easy Going
- I See You
- The Ally Song
- Conversations
- If I Knew You Were Coming
- Very Funny Things
- Take A Breath
- Where There Is Love
- Happy Trails
Frogs And Birds is the second album by the award-winning Lindsay Munroe.
Lindsay is joined on many of the songs by Raffi, who also produced the album.
A mother of three children with autism, Lindsay Munroe is a passionate advocate for diversity and inclusion. Munroe’s warmth and deep sensitivity to children with special needs inform the songs on Frogs and Birds, which she and Raffi created for all children, but especially for those who are neurodiverse, as well as for their families and teachers who embrace inclusion in the classroom.
“Lindsay Munroe’s voice is a clarion call of compassion,” says Raffi. “Her new songs feel like a tutorial on emotional intelligence, playful and inspiring. We had great fun recording the Frogs and Birds album—kids and their families will love it.”
Available digitally and on CD.
Social Media
- Twitter: @LinzMunroe
- Instagram: singalongwithlindsay
- YouTube: Sing-Along With Lindsay
- Facebook: Lindsay Munroe & Sing Along with Lindsay